Monday, May 18, 2015

This is a character sheet of  a character that i have intended to put into a 3d animation, but first i have to model it out, then texture it, then rig it. So far i am 70% completed with this task. I have modeled it in Zbrush and retopped it, and textured it in Maya. I'm now on the way to rigging it and once that is completed i will be ready to insert it into an animation. I'll post more pics and keep everyone posted of the progress

Monday, May 4, 2015

  This piece finally came to me after a bunch of other ideas got thrown to the way side. It was originally supposed to be serious i guess, but half way through it i decided to call an audible because i felt like doing a cartoonish fun piece. Honestly i dislike how far off the page the boy is because it shifts the focus towards the tree but breaks the relationship between them a bit. with that being said i still like it, but i might redo it though. Process was in company with my usual work flow. Sketched on paper, scanned into Painter 12 this time, (switched it up a bit on you, lol), base layer, shadows layer, highlights, polish, then finally the background.
  This piece was made from pure randomness. I was looking at figure poses and ran across one of a girl in a ballet outfit jumping gracefully. It was quite beautiful so I thought to myself, how can i make this unbeautiful, lol. As I drew the pose i realized that i should make her into a zombie. I didn't want one of the zombies that had been zombies for a while. I wanted it to be like she literally just became a zombie a few minutes ago. On that in between line of looking like she did when she was beautiful but also about to become a bit scary. I think i got close to what i originally wanted to convey but in hindsight i see i could have pushed it a bit further. Process: sketch on paper, scan into Photoshop CS6, line work layer first. Base color layer second, shading and shadows layer, highlights layer, extra layer for polish and finally a layer for a chaotic background.
  I created Robot High school in about 4 hours. I started with a sketch on paper, scanned it into Photoshop CS6, then did the official line work on the first layer. The next layer was the base colors, after that was the shading and shadows layer. Next was the highlight layer and another layer for polish. Then finally was the background layer. I used a few robot references to create the characters. For some reason unbeknownst to me I kept imagining Dexter's laboratory while creating this. So I guess in a sense you can call that the inspiration, lol.